Tuesday 18 November 2014

New Quay, Jamaica Inn and the Dorset Coast Path

Our second last day in Cornwall and Dorset

On our way back to Bridport we stopped at New Quay, renowned as a holiday spot.  It was good to get out of the car and walk to the cliffs.  It is also really beautiful there.  People go there to bathe in the ocean and to admire the scenery.  On the day we stopped there, 25 May 2014, it was cool and not what we in South Africa would regard as a day on which to go for a swim.

It has to be said people wore diving suits.

Droves of people went in for a swim.


We went for a walk along the cliffs.

The cliffs are quite forbidding.
There was a sign warning people against jumping from these cliffs.  Apparently somebody had done so.  The worst we were going to do was clamber along the grassy edges.

Madeleine and Kevin on the edges.
Next we stopped at Jamaica Inn famous because of Daphne Du Maurier's novel "Smugglers at Jamaica Inn".  It was raining when we got there and we gratefully escaped into the inside of the pub. Imagine my surprise to find that dogs are welcome there.  Apparently that is a very old tradition.

Madeleine in front of the bar.

I was also looking about.

Just so that there can be no doubt. Lovely sign.

Inside it was cosy and warm, a good place to hide from the weather.

Our second last stop was Okehampton, the town with a moor.  It is quite rural and after having lunch we moved on.

We liked the art on the wall of the building.

Lunch on the bench
Our last stop was on the Dorset Coast Path, close to where there had been a landslide in February. The view from there is amazing, it was a fitting way to end our tour.

The view from the Coast Path

One can see where the landslide must have been.

The four of us on the Coast Path

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