Wednesday 8 October 2014

A visit to Dorset

An insider's look


Visiting a foreign country is always exciting.  One experiences everything with heightened senses and remembers what takes place vividly.  Something that adds immeasurably to this is if friends or family show you around.  We were treated with the greatest kindness and hospitality by our friends Kevin and Madeleine Lomas and their family.  

They picked us up in Cardiff and we drove off to Bridport, where Madeleine's parents live.  Dorset is still quite rural, so we could start relaxing and enjoying the surrounding countryside right away.  

Our first stop was at Clevedon where we had a bit of a picnic. 

From the beach one can see all the way across to Cardiff where we came from.

From there we visited Cheddar, presumably this is where the specific variety of cheese has its name from.  We had a quick look at the Cheddar gorge - we really have to go back for a longer visit - it is extraordinary.

We stopped in Cheddar for a cup of tea.  The photo shows Madeleine in front with Kevin hidden behind her. 

From there we went to Madeleine's sister's home.  She, Debbie Smith, and her husband, John Dalton, live on a smallholding outside Bridport.

They did a lot of renovation themselves and the end result is truly picturesque.

If one visits England in spring one sees many little lambs and I still have to meet the young lady that does not immediately want one of her own. Debbie got herself two of those, but like everybody warns, they very quickly become fully grown sheep. Luckily she could keep them.

 Debbie and John own a poli tunnel, for growing vegetables, but this has become a very pleasant outside entertainment area.

This is Debbie picking us some vegetables which we had for supper later the same evening.  They manage to have a very green lifestyle.

Kevin knew exactly where the best spot was - well he had done all the driving.

Madeleine's parents, Pete and Hilda Smith, sat on the couch.

It was really pleasant in the tunnel. The tea made it even more so.  Here Pieter Botha, my husband, and John are sharing a joke.

John and Debbie are just very good at crafts and not afraid to work very hard.  This is even more evident inside their home.

The kitchen was really special with lots of attention to small details. The dining room table is of cedar wood, bought locally.  John made it himself. Debbie served us a good, much appreciated meal.

We are most privileged to have such friends.

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