Friday 17 October 2014

Country lanes

We experienced so much of the English countryside in May 2014, but the country lanes proved to be quite exciting - thank goodness for an excellent driver - and very beautiful.

Would you believe this is meant for two-way traffic?  If you stick you hand out you can often touch the foliage!

At a stage we got out to get a better picture.  Here we have a stand-off: Audi faces Audi.  It is easy to see which one should reverse, but this person was a bit unwilling. Sometimes drivers are elderly and Kevin, always gracious, would then reverse long distances through the lanes until the other car could pass.

On the 18th of May 2014 we went to a country estate in Dorset with an old mill, open for just that day, along such  lanes.

We were lucky enough to have lots of sunshine in which to explore the rest of the garden.

It was a really enjoyable outing.

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